How the sports bra empowered

A recent feature by the USPTO called “Establishing the new fit” presents the inventors of the sports bra and their story, following their recent visit to the National Inventors Hall of Fame Museum in the US. Polly Smith, Hinda Schreiber (now Miller) and Eugenie (Lisa) Lindahl are the listed inventors on their US patent application for the first “Athletic brassiere” (Application number: US19780965381). More…

working from home
A peek at Minesoft home-working

In these strange and uncertain times, all companies have had to find a way to adapt and evolve. At Minesoft, the entire team has been working from home over the past few months and we’re happy to now be transitioning back into office life. More…

The Invention of the Radio

When Was The Radio Invented? – The History of The Radio | World Radio Day

The radio has been an important invention for so many people in the UK. During the lockdown caused by the pandemic, millions tuned into British radio stations for news updates and entertainment broadcasts. BBC Radio especially took special measures to provide a stimulating selection of broadcasts, trying to help vulnerable and isolated listeners to cope with loneliness. More…

craft beer
Craft beers: Return of the British hop

Beer in the UK

As the weather has got warmer and restaurants, pubs and bars have reopened in the UK, more people are returning to popular pastimes in Britain. For some, this involves drinking local beer. The UK has a long history of producing beer, dating back to the Middle Ages when monks drank a gallon of ale per day made from just water, malt, and yeast. Imported hops were later introduced from Flanders, which provided ale with an antibacterial quality from the hops’ resins and oils. After a while, hopped ale began to be known as beer. More…

vaccination technology
Disruptive Innovation in Vaccination

After clean water and sanitation, vaccines are the technology that has played the largest role in prolonging human lifespans. However, it is estimated that around 10% of the world’s population has Trypanophobia (the phobia of needles). This significantly affects the number of people who will choose to be vaccinated. Also, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that approximately 1.3 million deaths per year are caused by needlestick injury from re-used or unsanitary needles. More…

Introducing Minesoft’s new Strategic
IP Webinars

Join Minesoft’s innovation experts in a new series of exclusive live IP webinars to learn how you can improve your own innovation strategy. Many R&D professionals overlook the importance of doing patent research before starting projects, exposing them to threats from disruptive innovators, competitors and wasted time, money and effort. More…

George Weisz – Inventor of Ventilators

George Weisz was a Hungarian mechanical engineer, philanthropist, film producer and father of three, including Oscar-winning actress Rachel Weisz. He invented a “pioneering artificial ventilator pneumatically powered by its own oxygen cylinder”. These ventilators are currently helping the NHS intensive care units across the UK manage the coronavirus pandemic. More…

Surprising Patents Owned by NASA

Recently, NASA and SpaceX made history by launching the first commercially made spacecraft from American soil. 

It is no secret that NASA and other space exploration organisations have been pivotal in developing some commonly used items today, such as baby formula, cameras on mobile phones and athletic shoes. Using PatBase, the searchable patent database created by Minesoft and RWS, we can take a deep dive into NASA’s patent portfolio to unearth other surprising patents that are assigned to them.  More…