Jochen Lennhof invited to speak at Dresden Technical University for World IP Day
This week, Minesoft’s Jochen Lennhof was thrilled to be invited to speak at Dresden Technical University in honour of WIPO’s World Intellectual Property Day.
The topic of intellectual property rights in China was the focus of the day. Between 2006 and 2016, the number of patent applications in Asia increased from 0.890 million to 2.019 million and this has created many challenges within the industry!
At Minesoft, it is more important than ever to be able to provide large amounts of information quickly and reliable and having access to a quality machine translation system is crucial.
In 2017, we started using new self-learning systems for machine translation in cooperation with our partner RWS. This “Neural MT Framework” captures the meaning of the text instead of recognising only consecutive words in a sentence. As a result, the translations are timely and of ever-improving quality. We also use this translation system for other languages, such as Japanese, Korean and Russian.
The large number of patent applications coming from China is also a symptom of the increasing interest in international patent information there. Hence, the demand for PatBase data has grown significantly over recent years. The commercial subsidiary of the Chinese Patent Office – the Intellectual Property Publishing House (IPPH) – will be supplying our products in China as our new distributor. IPPH has established itself as a leading provider of Chinese patent information products and solutions. The addition of IPPH to our network alongside RWS, the Minesoft China staff and Hengcheng Intelligence Solutions will expand our presence in the important Chinese market and expand our customer base worldwide.