The future of humanity, health and learning from crises shines a light on our heritage – the centuries of knowledge can point us towards solutions to today’s common issues, whether in energy, carbon footprint or climate change. We live in the “built environment”, so need to figure out how to solve the problems and preserve our cultural heritage – this is what motivates the Co-Founders of Minesoft, Ann Chapman-Daniel and Ophir Daniel, to support several initiatives corporately and also as private philanthropists, including the newly formed Commonwealth Heritage Forum (CHF) and the World Monuments Fund (WMF) alongside ASPI, an initiative of the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO).
Minesoft is delighted to be an early sponsor of the newly formed Commonwealth Heritage Forum, which aims to highlight monument and culture issues throughout the Commonwealth and bring together experts from different fields. The Forum works with partners to raise awareness through education to contribute to reaching Sustainable Development Goals 4, 11 and 13: Quality Education, Sustainable Cities and Communities and Climate Action. Providing an inclusive space for individuals and organizations from Commonwealth countries to connect and share perceptions and knowledge that will benefit all. Also, by reusing, adapting and conserving historical buildings, areas and structures, the carbon footprint of new developments will be reduced and historic neighbourhoods and existing communities will be revitalised.
Australia House, London – an architectural gem
The inaugural launch event was held in early March at the Australia House in London and was attended by High Commissioners from many Commonwealth countries, members of both Houses of Parliament, leading architects, conservationists and sponsors, including the Prince’s Foundation (established by Prince Charles) and Minesoft founders, Ann and Ophir Chapman-Daniel. The event was a success, a full house of international guests. The venue selected for the event is an ideal example of shared heritage at its finest. Designed by Scots architect Marshal Mackenzie in 1913, Australia House was praised at its opening in 1919 as “a lasting monument to the importance of the Commonwealth”.
Sharing knowledge and Upskilling LDCs
It is in our mission at Minesoft to support our local and global communities by encouraging knowledge sharing and upskilling. For this reason, Minesoft proudly offers support to blossoming countries in the Commonwealth and beyond, for example, Kenya and Bangladesh, through the WIPO ASPI (Access to Specialized Patent Information) program to provide free and low-cost access to PatBase for developing countries. The program was launched 10 years ago to open resources for global innovation and narrow the economic divide. It is a testament to the success of this program to see that within the top 10 best-ranked economies in the low-income group, 6 currently benefit from free access to PatBase, Minesoft’s powerful global patent database.
Read more about Minesoft’s involvement with the ASPI program, click here: