Enhanced legal status view in PatBase
Here at Minesoft, we’ve recently updated the legal status section in PatBase. The legal status viewer provides INPADOC legal status information about publications within a family, using colour coding to help you visualise the data. Updated on a weekly basis (every Thursday), so you know the information is up-to-date and reliable.
New litigation search LIVE on PatBase
US Litigation Data is now searchable from the Legal Status search page. If you click on “Legal Status” search in PatBase you will now notice a new “Litigation” tab allowing you to search US litigation data – search fields include Plaintiff, Defendant, Court, Case and Filing Date. New commands have also been introduced to retrieve families with litigation. (Check the help files for details).
Families containing US litigation data are marked with a scales symbol ( ) at the top of the family record and against the relevant individual US publications in the family table. Furthermore, the litigation symbol against the individual US publications is hyperlinked to the litigation data for this publication.
US Litigation data LIVE in PatBase
The “Litigation” link in the Legal Status view in PatBase now shows you details of any US patent in the family that has undergone or is undergoing litigation (see example below for FN 15425360). You can sort the data in the table by clicking on any of the headings and each entry in the table is hyperlinked to more information on this case.
25 new national office register links
Today we have added over 25 new national office register links to PatBase, including such countries as Austria, Chile, Mexico, Netherlands, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore and Vietnam.