PatBase full text filters are now active for all PatBase searches
Minesoft has now made PatBase Full Text filters available for all PatBase searches. Previously, the Full Text filters, such as country, section, publication, were only active when conducting a keyword search. Users can now use the same filters for any type of search (e.g. assignee, inventor, classification code) by clicking on the Hit Analysis button in the Full Text or Hits view. The filters will then apply when the user moves on to the next record in PatBase. The advantage of such filters is the ability to focus your analysis on a country or section (e.g. claims) of interest to enhance the efficiency by which you can review a set of results.
New PatBase enhancement: PatBase Tip
The new PatBase Tip feature allows users to change the number of records per page when viewing search results. The tool allows for flexibility in viewing results; even if you have your display options set at 1- records per page in PatBase, you can use the “l x-y” command to change the number of records displayed per page, which is remembered when you click next.
PatBase family notes and rankings are now visible to PatBase Express users
Minesoft has optimized the PatBase Express results options for its users, allowing them access to family notes and rankings that may have been added to results folders published by PatBase users.