Minesoft announces the development of a new, modern REST API with advanced functionality to retrieve data and create parallel solutions, for integration with federated search engines and in-house corporate applications.
The Minesoft PatBase API (Application Programming Interface) allows internal software applications to interface seamlessly with Minesoft’s global patent database, PatBase. Containing approximately 100 million patent documents from over 100 patent issuing authorities, PatBase is used by large corporations, international IP law firms, and tech transfer companies for search, review, analysis and monitoring of patent information.
“Our clients are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate our high quality international patent data into their internal systems such as intranets or in-house patent archiving systems. With the Minesoft PatBase API, bulk PatBase data can be imported seamlessly and securely in XML or JSON format into internal applications for searching and analysis,” explained Minesoft Director Rahman Hyatt. “We are always looking for different ways to facilitate access to the ever-growing PatBase database. The API now allows our customers and partners to make use of our patent family, full text and legal status information directly within their own in-house applications. It has enabled them to automate processes, leading to significant efficiency gains. We are always amazed at the multitude of new applications that the API can be used for.”
In an age where companies are increasingly looking for ways of managing and exploiting ‘Big Data’ and as the volume of patent information published worldwide increases year on year, APIs present a an effective technical solution to delivering patent data to end-users in a flexible, secure way that fits in with existing corporate workflows.