
Minesoft launches Chemical Explorer
for patent full-text chemical structure searching

London, Monday 9th November 2015: Following a successful period of BETA testing by patent search experts from across the chemistry and pharmaceutical industry, global patent information specialist Minesoft today announced the launch of a new data-mining software solution for exploring chemical patent information.

Chemical Explorer, developed by Minesoft, is a new searchable database of chemical compounds extracted from the full text of patent documents. It allows users to instantly retrieve chemical compounds from millions of patent documents by drawing chemical structures, importing structures or searching chemical terminology. Currently containing over 11.5 million unique chemical compounds mined from over 9 million full text patent documents, the database is updated daily as new patents publish to ensure searchers are accessing the most current information.

Chemical data can be explored in external libraries and publicly available resources as well as other applications including PatBase, the global patent database developed by Minesoft in partnership with RWS Group. As part of the Chemical Explorer project Minesoft created “TextMine“, an attractive, powerful software Viewer for chemical related data and other scientific parameters. TextMine has been added to PatBase, allowing PatBase users (at no extra cost) to carry out further analysis of relevant patent documents. Minesoft TextMine enables patent searchers to extract key chemical and scientific terms from within patent documents and explore them thematically with automatic highlighting to speed up review.

Rob Poolman, Senior Innovation Manager at Minesoft, explains, “Chemical Explorer is the first web-based patent full text chemical structure search tool to be made available commercially. We developed the new software after recognising the difficulties researchers face in accessing chemical information in patents. There is a large body of chemical information embedded in patent literature, and Chemical Explorer provides an efficient way to extract it for further review. The unique Asian coverage in Chemical Explorer- data-mining chemical data within the non-Latin text of Japanese, Chinese and Korean patents – offers searchers a further advantage. We would like to thank those companies involved in the trial for their valuable feedback which has helped us develop this powerful new software to align with the needs of the chemical patent information community.”

For further details or to request a trial and demonstration of Chemical Explorer, email [email protected]


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