
Minesoft tools featured in The Patent Lawyer

Minesoft has recently been the main topic of an article published in the top IP magazine The Patent Lawyer.  In the March/April issue of The Patent Lawyer, you can read Tony Trippe’s article (pg. 22-25) on how the Minesoft suite of tools and services can help remote IP teams to work together efficiently even though they might be physically separated.

The Patent Lawyer

Tony Trippe is Managing Director of Patinformatics, LLC, an advisory company that specialises in patent analytics and landscaping. He is also an “Adjunct Professor of IP Management and Markets” at The Illinois Institute of Technology. Tony has written the Guidelines for the Preparation of Patent Landscape Reports for WIPO, has been named one of the Top 300 IP Strategists by IAM magazine.

In the article, Tony Trippe explains how users can utilise IPShare “to quickly focus on the portions of the document that are of the highest interest to them”. IPShare (Figure2) is the ideal solution to encourage productivity and communication between staff and to share insights with clients and end users. Users can access and manage current and past projects, communicating effectively even across borders and share the results with their stakeholders.

Tony delves into features of IPShare such as highlighted annotations and chat messages which make it easy to collaborate on a project. The in-line annotation function is unique to IPShare and the popular chat feature “allows team members to share notes and assign tasks to various team members”. Permission levels are completely customisable so all project members can view and edit only the areas enabled. Within the project, these invited members can chat, label, annotate, make notes, and rank patent and non-patent literature.

Figure 2: Collaboration on IPShare

Pat Docs and Family Tree Viewer


Besides making notes and collaborating on discrete documents, patent teams also need to build IDS forms, order large numbers of patent copies and examine large patent families during a project.” Tony explains how PatDocs makes document ordering simple and quick, by just entering any patent numbers on the front page. This feature utilises the renowned PatentOrder document engine, used for over 20 years by top corporations as well as many specialist IP Law firms worldwide.  PatDocs also offers streamlined machine translated document delivery, from over 25 jurisdictions into English. There are further options for generating auto-filled IDS forms and Legal Reports, saving legal professionals hours of manual work.

Another exciting feature of this system is the ability to view and annotate patent family trees”. The family tree(Figure 3) presents a birds-eye view of all patent family relationships, including unpublished applications, in an easy to interpret genealogy tree.  The family tree can be viewed and shared at any level of family complexity – even when dealing with US continuity. See

Figure 3: Family Tree viewer

Minesoft solutions have been developed for patent searchers by experts in the field. Our clients include many Fortune 500/FTSE 100 companies, as well as specialist IP, patent attorney, and search firms, who use our tools to harness the power of patent information and exploit the commercial value of IP and scientific information throughout the innovation process.

Minesoft solutions can transform the way you work, contact us today at [email protected] to find out how.


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