
Minesoft wins the award for Best Business

The Minesoft team was thrilled to win the award for Best Business at the recent Richmond Chamber of Commerce Business Awards, and to be highly commended as Best Business for Innovation. 

The annual business awards organised by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce – one of the accredited nationwide British Chambers of Commerce – are a recognition and celebration of regional business success. Minesoft also sponsored the Best Female Entrepreneur Award and co-founder Ann Chapman-Daniel – who previously received the award herself at the end of 2018 – was happy to present the award to Hala Allawi for her work in the borough.

As a global patent solutions provider, we aim to encourage innovation worldwide. Since 2010 we have partnered with the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) in the ASPI programme to give researchers in developing countries free or low-cost access to sophisticated tools and services, like PatBase, for retrieving and analysing patent data. In addition, our services and tools help international corporations, law firms, patent search firms and universities worldwide, including many FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies. However, Minesoft considers its impact locally to be equally important.

The Minesoft team often supports the regional Chamber of Commerce and Richmond Business Investment District to boost local business, ranging from small businesses to corporations, such as eBay and PayPal, and the community as a whole. Minesoft has previously sponsored Richmond Theatre, as well as donating time & money towards local festive events such as the Christmas lights turn-on and fireworks display, a huge success locally. Our involvement in the borough is geared towards encouraging business growth on a local scale and improving the River Thames environment.

Press contact: Caitlin Kavanagh ([email protected])


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