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Most Promising Legal Tech
Solution Providers 2021
(25/05/21) Minesoft has been named among one of the 20 Most Promising Legal Tech Solution Providers 2021 in the 7th annual edition on Legal Tech of CIO Review magazine. This is…

Minesoft has been awarded LegalTech Company of the Year
Minesoft has been awarded LegalTech Company of the Year, Internationally and in the UK, by ACQ5. Minesoft provides trusted patent search, delivery and analysis tools to many Fortune 500/FTSE 100…

Minesoft sponsors Raconteur
Intellectual Property Report 2021
The annual Intellectual Property report by Raconteur is again supported by Minesoft for the third consecutive year. This report has been published alongside the latest The Times newspaper and The…

Minesoft et RWS sont heureux
d’annoncer le lancement de PatBase 2.0 – une actualisation innovante pour des recherches et analyses de brevets.
Minesoft, fournisseur de solutions de logiciel en ligne dans le secteur de la PI, annonce le lancement du nouveau moteur de recherche PatBase, base de données mondiale, en coopération avec…

Minesoft y RWS se complacen
anunciar el lanzamiento de PatBase
2.0 – una actualización innovadora
para acelerar la búsqueda y el análisis de patentes
Minesoft, un proveedor líder de las soluciones de software en línea para el sector de la propiedad intelectual ha anunciado el lanzamiento del nuevo motor de búsqueda para PatBase, la…

Minesoft contribute a chapter to
Winning with IP book, available now!
Novaro’s new book, Winning with IP: Managing High-Growth Intellectual Property, is a curated collection of chapters by patent experts about how intellectual property is a valuable asset to foster growth…