
Organise patent documents easily
with new updates to IPShare

IPShare combines quality-checked comprehensive data with high-level features. Users can store, review, rank, highlight and organise patent documents and non-patent literature on an easy-to-use and fully web-based platform which can be accessed from anywhere in the world. IPShare has adapted the use of high-quality patent data – once only available in our online solutions for high stakes professional searching, legal status monitoring and competitive intelligence tools – into a document management & collaboration tool.

Monitor statistics to usage reports

Administrators on accounts are now able to access their organisation statistics and usage reports from “Settings”.

Check your company stats

Work easily with multiple windows

It’s easier than ever for users to work with multiple windows open, therefore increasing productivity. When viewing the legal status with the Legal Information Browser or drilling down into the full text of a document with TextMine, you can change the document that you’re viewing, and all pop-up windows will reload with the new information.

IPShare alerts

It’s now possible to run alerts from IPShare! These alerts can be monitoring a competitor, new technology trends and more…

Create alerts and organise patent documents

The alerts will run on a weekly basis and any results will be automatically imported into the relevant project; you can monitor alerts from the “Alerts” page. In addition, the alerts will be included under “Recent project activity”, clicking this will open up a pop-up window showing the patent number and title for the most recent run results.

An innovative way to organise patent documents and non-patent literature. With functions like chat messages, labelling and annotations for each document, IPShare boosts productivity and collaboration and all work is trackable by administrators.

Your customers can be assigned to projects to view ongoing projects. Permission levels are completely customisable, so they can only view the areas that you want them to. Corporate branding can be added to your account by uploading your company logo to be featured in the top right corner of the site.

For more information about IPShare or to request a demo, go to

Already an IPShare user? All new updates to the platform are listed under Enhancements (found under Help) when logged in:

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