
PatDocs, the Legal Tech AI solution

PatDocs is a Legal Tech AI solution for innovative quantity recognition and patent search. It is a first-of-its-kind patent data platform, designed for all IP professionals, which complements advanced patent database search platforms such as PatBase, with embedded proprietary artificial intelligence. Document ordering is simple and quick on PatDocs, just enter any patent numbers on the front page. This feature utilises the renowned Patent Order document engine, used for over 20 years by top corporations as well as many specialist IP Law firms worldwide. PatDocs also offers streamlined machine translated document delivery from over 25 jurisdictions into English. There are further options for generating auto-filled IDS forms and Legal Reports, saving legal professionals hours of manual work!

Minesoft’s popular PAIR Alerts are hosted on PatDocs, delivering detailed US Patent Register information, including US continuity data and family trees by email each time a change occurs in a monitored patent family of choice. Family trees present a birds-eye view of all patent family relationships, including unpublished applications, in an easy to interpret genealogy tree.

Building on Minesoft’s expertise gained through data mining projects, the Quantity Search capability is a unique AI-enabled search feature on PatDocs that facilitates searching by specified unit quantities within patent texts! The artificial intelligent technique used, identifies quantities within the natural language in patent free text. This allows users to search by any variation of quantity syntax, for example, whether searching the full unit name or abbreviation (kilometres or km), or a value range using the word “to” or a hyphen “-“ between quantities. PatDocs has spelling correction capabilities, so if a misspelt quantity is input, PatDocs can suggest the corrected spelling.

Many unique industry-specific quantities are supported. For example, a search in pascals (pressure) may find results given in N/m2, mmHg, millibar etc. The context for some quantity types is captured e.g. “Fe: 1-20 wt%” allows searching for iron-containing alloys, while other scenarios can be handled by user-provided proximity queries e.g. “10-14 volts” within n words of “battery”. PatDocs unique AI interpretation to detect and understand quantities e.g. length, mass, temperature. All quantities with compatible units are automatically searched. This makes searching for quantities frictionless, no matter value system input.

Search results can be further refined by patent criteria such as priority country, classification codes, publication year and more. Also, analyse the full result set with just one click to see the top assignees, inventors etc. in aesthetic and exportable charts.

PatDocs incorporates a useful package of Minesoft solutions for the paralegal and specialist IP community, being adapted for these sectors. Visit the Minesoft website for more information about PatDocs and how the innovative platform can add value and support your legal work!

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