Leading patent search & analysis technology
Designed by patent experts for patent experts.
PatBase is a global patent insights platform enjoyed by more than 90,000 innovators & legal professionals.
High quality data that you can trust
Quality is at the heart of all we do so you can make decisions with confidence.
Daily quality checks & improvements to raw patent data
Patent searches on Minesoft each month
Full text coverage of major jurisdictions.
Number of publications via live feed of quality patent sources
We tried other tools alongside Minesoft, but quickly stopped after Minesoft proved time & time again to be the most relevant & the best quality.
Patent Attorney, Pharmaceutical enterprise
Making patent insights effortless
PatBase is incredibly easy and intuitive. The Visual Explorer is a standout refining tool, giving quick access to search history. The citation analysis feature is also a must-have in my work
Research Commons Co-ordinator.
Department of Library Services at a University
Get your free trial today
Whichever stage you are at in your innovation journey, let us show what Minesoft PatBase can do for you.
The Minesoft difference
We believe in doing things a little differently. We are here to support you every step of the way, in 15+ languages, and across all time zones. What worked yesterday may not work today. We’re always innovating to move with you and co-creating with our customers to create tech, solutions, quality and people that never stop improving.
Best expertise
We’ve been helping patent professionals win-back time since 1996. We’re designed by patent experts for patent experts.
Security is at the heart of what we do. Our robust and reliable servers are based in the UK, so your data is always secure
Best partnerships
Your success is our success. A partnership with Minesoft is a partnership that feels good.
Your dedicated team, speaking 15+ languages, is here to support you, we’ve got your back. It’s why we’re the first choice for patent experts.
Best quality
Our in-house development team work closely with clients to co-create products.
Our data quality is hard for new comers to replicate as we’ve been improving raw patent data for 20+years.
Actionable intelligence from patents
Perfect partners with PatBase
Discover other patent & IP solutions at Minesoft.
Minesoft ChemX
Simplify searching chemical patents
Minesoft Pat-KM
Customisable patent workflow solution
Minesoft PatDocs
Time-saving IP document solution