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Avoid the burden of manually checking national patent registers by receiving automatic patent alerts directly to your inbox.

Receive alerts on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis containing all changes over the selected period. Monitor legal status changes, patent citations, file and transaction histories and continuity data for global patent documents.

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million patents


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Let the numbers

do the talking…

Minesoft Trackers are web-based alerting tools that automatically notify users of changes to a patent document or patent family.

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Competitive intelligence

Avoid being caught out by unexpected risks by easily tracking internal patent applications, legal status changes and new patent citations with Minesoft Trackers. Monitor your competitors patent portfolios, gain valuable insight into competitor activity, and identify opportunities and threats for technology areas of interest.

Efficiently monitor patent data and prosecution activity by receiving timely alerts directly to your inbox to understand which patents are issuing, being abandoned, or undergoing re-examination to help you make informed business decisions. Find the value in a patent portfolio by tracking forward citations to identify potential partnership and licensing opportunities.

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Save time & money

Track patent applications, legal status changes, new citations and more, with optimal efficiency at an affordable price point, giving you the power to reallocate resources within your organisation. Save time by eliminating manual searches and receive automatic email alerts whenever a change occurs to a patent or patent family. Easily share alerts with colleagues or clients to ensure no key parties miss vital information.

Our global coverage, tracks changes published weekly to INPADOC, USPTO PAIR, JPO, CNIPA, OEPM, DPMA, KIPO and INPI legal status data. Be the first to know when a patent is granted in a specific country, a change of ownership occurs, an opposition is filed, or an application has been abandoned or withdrawn.

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Confidential & secure

Give yourself peace of mind knowing that all the patents or patent families are being closely monitored in the background and that your data is secure. Choose to set daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly alerts to ensure you receive the timeliest information for actionable insights. Easily disseminate information to relevant team members across an organisation and geographical locations without taking unnecessary security risks.

Ensure no vital information is missed with live links to patent documents, file histories, patent family trees and more, included in the alert email. None of Minesoft’s services are outsourced to maintain the highest standards of confidentiality and security for our clients. Industry leaders around the world trust us with their most sensitive IP needs.

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Take your patent search & monitoring to the next level with unique features

Receive automatic alerts directly to your inbox

Gain useful competitive intelligence by tracking third-party patents

Stay ahead of the curve by monitoring key technology fields and competitors’ patent portfolios

Easily manage and disseminate information, even across multiple offices

Track critical internal applications for the timeliest actionable insight

Share live links to patent documents, file histories and patent family trees

Build your organisation’s competitive intelligence strategy by monitoring patent citations

Get alerted when someone cites your patent portfolio to identify new competitors and emerging licensing opportunities

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Contact Minesoft now for a commitment-free Minesoft Trackers trial!

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