Leading the way in patent search and analysis technology

Designed by patent specialists for patent specialists, PatBase is a global patent database relied on by more than 90,000 innovators and legal professionals across all industries.

Harness the power of patent information and put innovation at your fingertips





full text collections


PatBase makes your patent search and analytics processes more efficient

High quality global patent data

Our trusted full-text patent database is updated daily, ensuring comprehensive and reliable data for efficient searches. With high-quality information and global legal status updates, users can confidently track patents and make strategic decisions based on accurate IP intelligence.

Intelligent patent search

Spend more time innovating and less time searching. Our flexible searching options efficiently pinpoint information on a family or publication level. Search across all machine-translated and original text simultaneously using limitless truncations and command features, ensuring accurate and reliable result sets.

Powerful integrated analytics

Track competitors, identify emerging technological trends, and manage your patent portfolio with our interactive dashboard. Quickly identify white spots in technological areas, do an FTO search, and create visual landscape reports to help your company stay ahead of the curve

Don’t just take our word for it…

PatBase is easy and intuitive to use. I especially like the visual explorer as a refining tool with easy access to the history of the searches. I also make use of the citation analysis feature in my work

Research Commons Co-ordinator

Department of Library Services at a University

Simplify your Workflow with Minesoft

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Whichever stage you are at in your innovation journey, let us show what PatBase can do for you.

The Minesoft Difference

At Minesoft, we believe in doing things a little differently. We don’t just develop industry-leading, AI-powered Patent Intelligence solutions, we are here to support you every step of the way, in 15+ languages, and across all time zones.

Customer-centric approach

Customer-centric approach

Our high employee retention rate ensures that you connect with familiar faces who understand your requirements

Industry-leading innovation

Industry-leading innovation

Our in-house development team work closely with clients when building and enhancing solutions

Unwavering reliability

Unwavering reliability

Our robust and reliable servers are based in the UK, so your data is always secure

Accelerate innovation and get actionable intelligence from patents with PatBase

Patent Valuation Score is designed to help evaluate patent portfolios from a new angle

Stay up to date on critical patents with relevant, timely and customizable alerts

Powerful citation tools help to monetise patents by identifying licencing opportunities

Manage risk, find new opportunities and protect your patent portfolio with integrated, real-time analytics

Narrow down searches with Optimise to retrieve concise, relevant results

User interface in English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese

Review share and export comprehensive analytics and legal status information

Combine multiple data types – NPL, patents & design patents – to form actionable strategic intelligence

Get in Touch

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Contact us today for more information about any of our online solutions. Our friendly team looks forward to hearing from you.

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