Patent searching, made simple with AI

Minesoft Origin offers advanced AI patent search features, powerful analytics, and integrated workflows to connect innovators to insights.

Industry Leading High Quality Patent Data


Million Patent Documents



Monthly Users



Unearth Powerful Insights Today

Industry-leading artificial intelligence

Discover the simplicity of AI searching using powerful Natural Language Processing. Empower your team to make better decisions in fast-moving markets. With Smart Summaries, you can spend less time reviewing patent documents. Instantly understand what a patent covers without having to read the entire document.

Comprehensive company search

Easily review a company’s patent portfolio by including subsidiaries for a company with one click. Explore complex corporate structures and select the parent companies and subsidiaries of interest to visualise where a patent sits within a corporate tree.

Intuitive & intelligent interface

It is the ideal platform to provide R&D and IP Legal professionals with the patent intelligence required to make strategic decisions. So easy to use, that it can be operated by anyone. Complex patent information can be presented in simple language, designed for users who have time constraints.

Don’t just take our word for it…

Minesoft Origin is easy to use, whether you create your own search or use the AI option. The customer support is fast, outstanding and knowledgeable. User interface is great whether saving histories, obtaining patent links or exploring data. They also listen to the user when implementing new features.

Consultant via G2

Simplify your Workflow with Minesoft

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Whichever stage you are at in your innovation journey, let us show what Minesoft Origin can do for you.

The Minesoft Difference

At Minesoft, we believe in doing things a little differently. We don’t just develop industry-leading, AI-powered Patent Intelligence solutions, we are here to support you every step of the way, in 15+ languages, and across all time zones.

Customer-centric approach

Customer-centric approach

Our high employee retention rate ensure that you connect with familiar faces who understand your requirements

Industry-leading innovation

Industry-leading innovation

Our in-house development team work closely with clients when building and enhancing solutions

Unwavering reliability

Unwavering reliability

Our robust and reliable servers are based in the UK, so your data is always secure

Take your patent search & monitoring to the next level with unique features

Empower your team with cutting-edge AI patent searching

Spend less time reviewing complex patent documents with easy-to-understand Smart Summaries

Easily monitor trends, understand the competitive landscape, and transform big data into actionable knowledge

Monitor critical internal applications and gain competitive intelligence with automated alerts

Track progress and simplify communication between R&D and legal teams with our seamless internal collaboration system

Choose to organise results by application, publication, Minesoft family, or extended families

Easily search for quantities and ranges and combine with your advanced search query with cutting-edge quantity searching

Take advantage of our flexible search features including unlimited left-hand truncation & proximity operators

Our Other Solutions

Unlock Similar Solutions

Discover Minesoft’s suite of online patent solutions

Minesoft ChemX

Simplify searching chemical patents

Minesoft Pat-KM

Customisable patent workflow solution

Minesoft Trackers

Get in Touch

Simplify your workflow with Minesoft

Contact us today for more information about any of our online solutions. Our friendly team looks forward to hearing from you.

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