
Minesoft presents at CEPIUG alongside Umicore Germany

Minesoft presents at CEPIUG alongside Umicore Germany

This September, Minesoft will be partnering with Umicore Germany for a presentation at CEPIUG in Milan, Italy. Minesoft Director, Jochen Lennhof will be speaking alongside Dirk Rattat, Patent Engineer and Senior Information Scientist at Umicore.

The implementation of an efficient IP Knowledge Management solution can work as a powerful competitive intelligence tool and act as a place to centralise in-house expertise for a company in a specific technology sector.

IP Knowledge Management systems facilitate knowledge sharing with multiple business units across borders, incorporating internal company workflows and custom taxonomies, effectively managing extensive patent knowledge globally throughout an organisation.

The presentation will examine the issues and challenges of implementing a knowledge management/archive solution for a globally operating company, enabling patent professionals to visualise the influx of new patent applications from around the world.

Founded in 1996, Minesoft develops international searchable patent databases and web-based products for Intellectual Property (IP) research. The company offers an array of products for the patent information industry, specialising in patent searching, IP document retrieval, patent analytics and competitive intelligence systems.

In 2015, Minesoft released Pat-KM, building on experience gleaned in over a decade of developing Patent Archives with large corporations both sides of the Atlantic. Pat-KM offers an intuitive patent knowledge management system that enables companies to capture, distribute and store patent intelligence in the way most relevant to their business.

Pat-KM provides access to global patent data with integrated workflow for monitoring, classification and dissemination of relevant patent records. As a Knowledge Management system, it represents an evolution away from the usual one-size-fits-all solution towards a more bespoke approach that can adapt and change based on client needs and feedback to changing scenarios.



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