
The State Council of China release their outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy

The State Council of China release their outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy

Minesoft were impressed to read in the outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy by the State Council of China, that the State Council’s aim is for China to become a country with comparatively high levels of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) by 2020.

The purpose of the outline is to improve China’s capacity to create, utilise, protect and administer Intellectual Property (IP). To achieve this, the State Council must actively work to create a favourable legal market and cultural environment for the development of IP.

It is recognised that the following areas could be improved: The quality and quantity of IP demand still cannot meet the demands of China’s economic and social development; public awareness and capacity of market entities is relatively weak; infringement of IP is common; there are lags in IP services, support and training.

The report outlines some of the strategies they wish to implement, including: Strengthening the competence of IP law to protect and prevent the abuse of IPRs, as well as fostering a culture of IPRs through education and support.

From a patent perspective, there is a plan to obtain a group of patents in core areas of technology, such as medicine and energy, to support development of new and high-tech industries. Chinese enterprises need to be guided, supported and encouraged, in order to change the way they compete and strive for technological innovation. In addition, the State Council want to improve policies related to patent standards, and to support organisations to actively participate in the formulation of international standards.

Minesoft meets the demands of the strategic measures highlighted in the outline, including the development of intermediary services for IPRs and IP human resources. Our flagship product, PatBase – the global patent database, has a full Chinese interface and we offer ongoing training and support specially tailored towards our Chinese customers. The Minesoft team are looking forward to developing new relations with China in the future and to continue to support them in become a more innovative and prosperous country.


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