
Minesoft supports charity providing
meals for NHS workers 

At Minesoft, we believe it is very important to play a positive role in local communities. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic our local community, businesses and public services are especially in need of support. This is why the Minesoft Co-Founders chose to donate to the Jennie and Phil Howard Fund to supply meals to all Critical Care Unit staff at the Royal Marsden Hospital and The Royal Brompton Hospital, London’s leading respiratory hospital where the most severely affected COVID-19 patients are often referred from other hospitals.  

Jennie and Phil Howard are residents of Richmond Borough, where Minesoft’s head offices are located. Phil Howard is a top UK chef who made The Square restaurant in London famous. He held two Michelin stars for 17 years. Phil Howard now runs Elystan Street restaurant with Rebecca Mascarenhas, a short walk from the Royal Marsden Cancer hospital and close to The Royal Brompton hospital 

The Royal Marsden and The Royal Brompton are leading NHS hospitals on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic. As hospital food is only available at certain times, often doctors and nurses in the Critical Care Units miss the chance to get anything to eat during their demanding 12-hour shifts. Jennie and Phil Howard are putting their skills, resources and the whole family to work to provide individually portioned meals for all CCU staff to grab whenever they get a break. 

So far, the feedback from these efforts has been overwhelmingly positive. The CCU staff are very grateful to get a needed boost of energy during their shifts so they can continue their hard work of saving lives 

To support these charitable efforts, find the links to the fund-raising websites below:

It is an unprecedented time for people around the world. For IP teams that are struggling to keep collaborative work abreast while working remotely, Minesoft’s IPShare can help you get back on track. IPShare is a web-based platform for bringing IP projects to a centralised location. Users can easily communicate across IP documents with annotations, chat, highlighting, labels and more. IPShare encourages collaboration and productivity through tools and sharing features. 

Learn more about IPShare and register for a free two-week trial here: 

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