PatBase tips & tricks

Moira Sivills, Project Manager & Customer Success Executive, shares her top tips for PatBase users!

Searching classifications

It is faster and easier to search for relevant patent classifications using the Classification Finder tool, now supporting truncation and proximity operators. In the Search tab of the floating tool bar, select Classification Finder. Enter keywords to identify relevant classes to search in so you can find records of interest. Introducing truncation increases classification recall and using proximity can refine your classification search to relevant classes. These codes can be individually selected using the corresponding checkboxes and can be combined with any search query in your Search History.


patents for profit money tree
 Creative ways to use patents
for profit 

Managing a patent portfolio strategically can significantly boost bottom line profits. In this blog post, we list 3 creative ways to use patents for profit. Patents can be easily overlooked to generate profit once they have been secured because they are intangible assets. However, the commercialisation of a patent portfolio can generate cash flow directly to the bottom line through licensing, sale, or trade.  


Mixed reality
Mixed Reality is changing
the way we work, live
and play 

Mixed reality is changing the way we work, live and play

The graph below shows the Top 10 Probable Assignees by Applications & Grants for mixed reality, taken from PatBase Analytics V3. The integration of the real and virtual worlds to create new environments and visualisations in which physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time is known as mixed reality (MR). Microsoft has the highest number of grants and applications compared to its competitors. They have established themselves as leaders alongside Magic Leap Inc and are transforming the way we work, live, and play.  More…

Toothpaste to combat food allergies

A recent article in Science News discusses a new toothpaste that has been developed to treat peanut allergies. The treatment is known as Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy (OMIT) and is currently on trial to see if it could be effective in making immune therapy part of patient’s daily routine. More…

Are NFTs the next progression for
patent management and

Are NFTs the next step for patent management and commercialisation?

It was recently announced that IBM and IPwe have partnered to trial representing patents as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) as an easier way to sell, trade, or license patents. The aim is to move intellectual property assets onto a digital, centralised and secure blockchain network, enabling easier commercialisation of patents, especially for small or medium enterprises (SMEs). Smart contracts can be attached to NFTs so terms of use and ownership can be outlined and agreed upon without incurring as many legal fees as a traditional IP transfer.


Minesoft tools featured in The Patent Lawyer

Minesoft has recently been the main topic of an article published in the top IP magazine The Patent Lawyer.  In the March/April issue of The Patent Lawyer, you can read Tony Trippe’s article (pg. 22-25) on how the Minesoft suite of tools and services can help remote IP teams to work together efficiently even though they might be physically separated.
